Union Square Opportunity GP, L.L.C.

13F Portfolio Filings

Most recent 13F
Q3 2016
New York, NY
All SEC filings
View on sec.gov
Holdings Value
Quarter Holdings Value ($000) Top Holdings Form Type Date Filed Filing ID
Q3 2016 1 0 13F-HR 11/3/2016 000114420416131361
Q2 2016 2 5,730 LC, ETSY 13F-HR 8/8/2016 000114420416117283
Q1 2016 2 10,674 LC, ETSY 13F-HR 5/13/2016 000114420416101555
Q4 2015 2 16,272 LC, ETSY 13F-HR 2/12/2016 000114420416081234
Q3 2015 2 30,331 ETSY, LC 13F-HR 11/5/2015 000114420415062976
Q2 2015 2 32,301 ETSY, LC RESTATEMENT 11/5/2015 000114420415062956
Q1 2015 1 231,546 LC 13F-HR 5/14/2015 000114420415030806
Q4 2014 1 298,123 LC 13F-HR 2/10/2015 000114420415007462
Additional filings from Union Square Opportunity GP, L.L.C. that have since been restated