Mercer Redstone Large Cap Growth Fund, a series of Mercer Group Trust

Form D Filings

Norwood, MA
Investment Fund Type
Other Investment Fund
Industry Group
Pooled Investment Fund
Entity Type
Previous Names
Mercer Redstone Large Cap Growth Fund, a series of Mercer Group Trust, MGI Redstone Large Cap Growth Fund, a series of MGI Group Trust
All SEC Filings
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Date Filed Security Types Amount Sold Diff Total Amount Sold Total Offering Amount Remaining First Sale Signed Form SEC Link
5/21/2015 Pooled Investment Fund $139,902,448 $335,822,835 Indefinite Indefinite 3/4/2010 5/21/2015 D/A 000151566815000001
5/22/2014 Pooled Investment Fund $2,965,000 $195,920,387 Indefinite Indefinite 3/4/2010 5/22/2014 D/A 000151566814000001
5/22/2013 Pooled Investment Fund $1,075,785 $192,955,387 Indefinite Indefinite 3/4/2010 5/22/2013 D/A 000151566813000001
5/22/2012 Pooled Investment Fund $32,233,917 $191,879,602 Indefinite Indefinite 3/4/2010 5/22/2012 D/A 000137639012000012
3/18/2011 Pooled Investment Fund $159,645,685 $159,645,685 Indefinite Indefinite 3/4/2010 3/18/2011 D 000089843211000432