Graham Alternative Investment II ASP Fund, a series of Alternative Strategies Managed Futures & Commodities Platform, LLC

Form D Filings

Charlotte, NC
Investment Fund Type
Hedge Fund
Industry Group
Pooled Investment Fund
Entity Type
Limited Liability Company
Previous Names
Graham Alternative Investment II ASP Fund, a series of Alternative Strategies Managed Futures & Commodities Platform, LLC, Graham Alternative Investment II ASW Fund, a series of Alternative Strategies Managed Futures & Commodities Platform, LLC
All SEC Filings
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Date Filed Security Types Amount Sold Diff Total Amount Sold Total Offering Amount Remaining First Sale Signed Form SEC Link
4/10/2017 Pooled Investment Fund $100,000 $92,840,138 Indefinite Indefinite 8/1/2006 4/10/2017 D/A 000162525717000064
4/18/2016 Pooled Investment Fund $903,500 $92,740,138 Indefinite Indefinite 8/1/2006 4/18/2016 D/A 000162525716000151
4/6/2015 Pooled Investment Fund $61,351,215 $91,836,638 Indefinite Indefinite 8/1/2006 4/6/2015 D/A 000162525715000026
4/11/2014 Pooled Investment Fund -$12,284,747 $30,485,423 Indefinite Indefinite 8/1/2006 4/11/2014 D/A 000089843214000571
4/11/2013 Pooled Investment Fund -$6,931,097 $42,770,170 Indefinite Indefinite 8/1/2006 4/9/2013 D/A 000089843213000665
4/11/2012 Pooled Investment Fund $49,701,267 Indefinite Indefinite 8/1/2006 3/22/2012 D/A 000089843212000487
4/15/2011 Pooled Investment Fund $58,406,051 Indefinite Indefinite 8/1/2006 4/6/2011 D/A 000089843211000552
4/14/2010 Pooled Investment Fund $38,716,364 Indefinite Indefinite 8/1/2006 3/30/2010 D/A 000089843210000546
8/11/2009 Pooled Investment Fund $29,252,717 Indefinite Indefinite 8/1/2006 7/29/2009 D/A 000089843209001032